Below are some GIS textbooks and related materials that I find useful. The list is by no means exhaustive, but might be helpful as a starting point. I have included links for many of them to Amazon for your convenience (these links are not monetized and I receive no income from them).
Aronoff, Stan. 1989. Geographic Information Systems: A Management Perspective, WDL Publications, Ottawa.
Bernhardsen, Tor. 2002. Geographic Information Systems, An Introduction, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Bolstad, Paul. 2016. GIS Fundamentals, A First Text on Geographic Information Systems, 5th ed., Eider Press, White Bear Lake, Minnesota.
Chang, Kang-tsung. 2018. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 9th ed., McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Toronto.
Chrisman, Nicholas. 2001. Exploring Geographic Information Systems, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Clarke, Keith C. 2011. Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems, 5th ed., Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science, Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Clemmer, Gina. 2018. The GIS 20: Essential Skills, 3rd ed., ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Davis, Bruce E. 2001. GIS: A Visual Approach, 2nd ed., OnWord Press, Albany New York.
Delaney, Julie. 2007. Geographical Information Systems, An Introduction, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York.
DeMers, Michael N. 2002. GIS Modeling in Raster, John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
DeMers, Michael N. 2008. Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, 4th. ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
de Smith, Michael J., Michael F. Goodchild, and Paul A. Longley. 2018. Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools, 6th ed., The Winchelsea Press.
Heywood, Ian, Sarah Cornelius, and Steve Carver. 2012. An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, 4th ed., Pearson Education Limited, Toronto.
Huxhold, William E. 1991. An Introduction to Urban Geographic Information Systems, Oxford University Press, New York.
Jones, Christopher. 1997. Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, Edinburgh Gate, England.
Kennedy, Michael. 2013. Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Konecny, Gottfried. 2014. Geoinformation, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems, 2nd ed., Taylor and Francis, New York.
Lo, C.P., and Albert K.W. Yeung, 2007. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, 2nd ed., Pearson Education Canada, Inc., Toronto.
Longley, Paul A., Michael F. Goodchild, David J. Maguire, and David W. Rhind. 2015. Geographic Information Systems and Science, 4th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Mitchell, Andy. 1999. The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis, Volume 1: Geographic Patterns & Relationships, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Law, Michael, and Amy Collins. 2018. Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop, 5th ed., Esri Press, Redlands, California.
Price, Maribeth, 2018. Mastering ArcGIS, 8th ed., McGraw Hill Higher Education, Toronto.
Star, Jeffrey, and John Estes. 1990. Geographic Information Systems, An Introduction, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Bailey, Trevor C., and Anthony C. Gatrell. 1995. Interactive Spatial Data Analysis, Pearson Education Limited, Toronto.
Burrough, Peter A., and Rachael A. McDonnell. 2015. Principles of Geographical Information Systems, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, Toronto.
Clarke, Keith C., Bradley O. Parks, and Michael P. Crane (eds.). 2002. Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modeling, Fourth International Conference on Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modeling, Banff, Canada, September, 2000, Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 1994. Understanding GIS, The ARC/INFO Method, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Fortin, Marie-Josée, and Mark Dale. 2014. Spatial Analysis, A Guide for Ecologists, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, New York.
Fotheringham, A. Stewart, Chris Brunsdon, and Martin Charlton. 2000. Quantitative Geography, Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis, Sage Publications, London.
Fotheringham, A. Stewart, Chris Brunsdon, and Martin Charlton. 2002. Geographically Weighted Regression, The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships, John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Fotheringham, A. Stewart, and Peter A. Rogerson. 2009. The SAGE Handbook of Spatial Analysis, SAGE, Los Angeles.
Longley, Paul A., and Michael Batty (eds.). 2003. Advanced Spatial Analysis, The CASA Book of GIS, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Maguire, David J., Michael Batty, and Michael Goodchild (eds.). 2005. GIS, Spatial Analysis, and Modeling, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Mitchell, Andy. 2005. The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis, Vol. 2: Spatial Measurements and Statistics, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
O’Sullivan, David, and David J. Unwin. 2010. Geographic Information Analysis, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Stillwell, John, and Graham Clarke (eds.). 2004. Applied GIS and Spatial Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, England.
Waller, Lance A., and Carol A. Gotway. 2004. Applied Spatial Statistics for Public Health Data, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Wong, Davis W.S., and Jay Lee. 2005. Statistical Analysis of Geographic Information, with ArcView GIS and ArcGIS, John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Boyles, David. 2002. GIS Means Business, Vol. 2, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Greene, Richard P. 2011. Exploring the Urban Community, A GIS Approach, 2nd ed., Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Grimshaw, David J. 2000. Bringing Geographical Information Systems into Business, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Harris, Richard, Peter Sleight, and Richard Webber. 2005. Geodemographics, GIS and Neighbourhood Targeting, John Wiley and Sons Canada, Etobicoke.
Peters, Alan, and Heather MacDonald, 2004. Unlocking the Census with GIS, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Stillwell, John, and Graham Clarke (eds.). 2004. Applied GIS and Spatial Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Toronto
Waller, Lance A., and Carol A. Gotway. 2004. Applied Spatial Statistics for Public Health Data, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Wing, Michael G., and Pete Bettinger. 2008. Geographic Information Systems, Applications in Natural Resource Management, Oxford University Press, Toronto.
Brewer, Cynthia A. 2015. Designing Better Maps, A Guide for GIS Users, 2nd ed., ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Campbell, John. 2001. Map Use & Analysis, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Toronto.
Dent, Borden, D., Torguson, Jeff, and Thomas W. Hodler, 2008. Cartography, Thematic Map Design, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Toronto.
Jones, Christopher. 1997. Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, Edinburgh Gate, England.
Kimerling A. Jon, Aileen R. Buckley, Phillip C. Muehrcke, and Juliana O. Muehrcke. 2016. Map Use: Reading, Analysis, Interpretation, 8th ed., ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Kraak, Menno-Jan, and Ferjan Ormeling. 2010. Cartography, Visualization of Spatial Data, 3rd ed., The Guilford Press, New York.
Maher, Margaret M. 2013. Lining Up Data in ArcGIS, A Guide to Map Projections, 2nd ed., ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Peterson, Gretchen N. 2014. GIS Cartography, A Guide to Effective Map Design, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Robinson, Arthur H., Joel L. Morrison, Phillip C. Muehrcke, Jon A. Kimerling, and Stephen C. Guptill. 1995. Elements of Cartography, 6th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Slocum, Terry A., Robert B. McMaster, Fritz C. Kessler, and Hugh H. Howard. 2009. Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Arctur, David, and Michael Zeiler. 2004. Designing Geodatabases, Case Studies in GIS Data Modeling, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Shekhar, Shashi, and Sanjay Chawla. 2003. Spatial Databases, A Tour, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Yeung, Albert K.W., and G. Brent Hall. 2007. Spatial Database Systems; Design Implementation and Project Management, The GeoJournal Library vol. 87, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Zeiler, Michael. 2010. Modeling Our World, The ESRI Guide to Geodatabase Concepts, 2nd ed., ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
DiBiase, David, Michael DeMers, Ann Johnson, Karen Kemp, Ann Taylor Luck, Brandon Plewe, and Elizabeth Wentz. 2006. Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge, Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC.
Huxhold, William E., and Allan G. Levinsohn. 1995. Managing Geographic Information System Projects, Oxford University Press, New York.
Korte, George B., 2001. The GIS Book, How to Implement, Manage, and Assess the Value of Geographic Information Systems, 5th ed., Onword Press, Albany, New York.
Thomas, Christopher, and Milton Ospina, 2004. Measuring Up, The Business Case for GIS, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Thomas, Christopher, and Brian Parr, 2012. Measuring Up, The Business Case for GIS, volume 2, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Tomlinson, Roger, 2013. Thinking About GIS, Geographic Information System Planning for Managers, 5th ed., ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Knowles, Anne Kelly (ed.). 2002. Past Time, Past Place, GIS for History, ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
Foresman, Timothy W. (ed.). 1998. The History of Geographic Information Systems, Perspectives from the Pioneers, Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science, Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Campbell, James B., and Randophe H. Wynne. 2011. Introduction to Remote Sensing, 5th ed., The Guilford Press, New York, New York.
Jensen, John R. 2015. Introductory Digital Image Processing, A Remote Sensing Perspective, 4th ed., Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science, Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Konecny, Gottfried. 2014. Geoinformation, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems, 2nd ed., Taylor and Francis, New York.
Lillesand, Thomas M., Kiefer, Ralph W., and Jonathan Chipman. 2015. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 7th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Mather, Paul M. 2011. Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images, An Introduction, 4th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
Rogerson, Peter A. 2014. Statistical Methods for Geography: A Student’s Guide, 4th ed., Sage Publications, London.
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T. FitzGerald. 2016. The Craft of Research, 4th ed., The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Northey, Margot, Dianne Draper, and David B. Knight. 2015. Making Sense in Geography and Environmental Studies, A Student’s Guide to Research, and Writing, 6th ed., Oxford University Press, Toronto.
Turabian, Kate L., Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T. FitzGerald. 2018. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th ed., The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
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